

Voxmedia - Comunicação e Marketing S.A.

Voxmedia is a Communications and Marketing company specializing in the best audiovisual and voice solutions. Present in the market since 2003, we help companies identify their marketing strategy to communicate better with their customers, suppliers, partners and employees. Voxmedia started its activity by presenting an innovative marketing solution: Personalised On Hold Messages. Giving voice to the moments of silence when callers are waiting or on hold is our mission. We provide the service that allows you to reach the right audience with the right message. Whoever calls your company is your best listener and with Voxmedia you will have a telephone answering service tailored to your company: the style and voice-over strictly adapted to your company's image. Solution and Full Service: - Professional speakers, male and female, foreign and Portuguese. - Creative Department - Preparation of scripts by copywriters who are experts in telephone answering; Creating voice greeting / voice prompts scripts. - Voxmedia owned music, royalty free. - Digital Recording Studio. - Translations into many languages.
Business contact
Paulo Vaza

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Let's do it!
In the event of a dispute, the consumer may use an Alternative Dispute Resolution Body::

CICAP – Tribunal Arbitral de Consumo
Rua Damião de Góis, 31, Loja 6, 4050-225, Porto
+351 22 550 83 49 / +351 22 502 97 91

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